
Showing posts from January, 2024

Blog Journal 3

           This week in lecture we discussed issues around Intellectual property, copyright, fair use, etc. .. To fully understand these topics we must first learn what copyright and these other ideas are. Copyright is a form of protection for intellectual property; it means that that person or property has exclusive rights to use and distribute it.  An example of this seen in action is through "fair use", this was enacted in part of the Copyright Act of 1976; it establishes guidelines and allows for users to copy material for nonprofit educational purposes! So why does all of this matter in terms of education? As future educators we will be utilizing others' work and intellect; understanding copyright laws and what you do and do not have rights to, share, copy, etc., is extremely important!      As we continued the lecture we discussed past and more emerging technology problems that educators  are now having to face. The one I found most interesting or at least pertaine

Blog Journal 2

      Applications such as Microsoft Word has been a great tool for me as a student; not only in my current college years, but also throughout my earlier years of school and out of the classroom! Programs such as Microsoft word and google docs allows users to create documents, tables, graphs etc. I have pretty good experience on these programs, especially google docs. However, I definitely do feel there is a large amount of tricks or tools within Microsoft word that I can't wait to hopefully continue to learn and with the information we will learn from this course!      In addition to this, this week we were asked to review the ISTE Standards for Educators. The ISTE Standards provide a framework to empower students and for them to become leaders. There are seven section to the ISTE Standards, and after reading a little bit about each of them the one I find most important or significant is the standard "2.1 Learner." The "learner" is an educator who continually i

Journal #1

           Hi everyone! I am so happy and excited to be in this course, EME 2040! A little bit about me :)! My name is Olivia Coogle and I am a senior here at FSU! I am studying public health and hopefully after graduation will continue on into nursing school. Some fun facts about me are I have a twin brother, I have 2 little dogs, and I also love to watch movies and tv shows! I currently work at planet fitness (the gym), and in my free time I love to work out and just hangout with friends or at home.      Prior to this course I had no real experience in educational technology or this field of study. Of course I have always used technology, technology is something that I heavily grew up with and relied on inside and outside of school! In thinking about my past experiences using technology, definitely in the classroom I am familiar with and use frequently like my laptop and computers, phones, tablets etc. I also am pretty familiar with Microsoft office and different online websites like