Blog Journal 7

 For this week's blog discussion, we were asked to visit a teacher website page that has information about the teacher, their information, etc., that is public to everyone! I went on the school website for Leon County and chose the teacher Ms. Megan Abbott (an elementary, English teacher in Leon County!) On the website, and for all of them they have listed their telephone number, email, and degree and certifications. This is great information for students or parents who want to reach out the teacher ahead of time, or for someone to reach out to that teacher and get more information on the class structure, what to expect, etc. I think this is a great tool for students and parents to have, and it shows that the schools aren't hiding anything and are proud of their teachers. 

    Furthermore, I envision myself using tools such as the one we learned above and all of the ones we have learned in this class in my future career! While I am not looking towards becoming a teacher (although it is not an option !:), I do see myself becoming a nurse, and some of these tools I will definitely use in my studies and future education. I may not use things like "Padlet, canvas, Google Docs, etc" in the day-to-day operations of my career. But I can use them as I continue on throughout school, and as I study to become a nurse! For me, I think the most used ones will be Quizlet and the Microsoft/google applications; these are some that I can use as I study, and also in the future if I ever need to type up a Word document or presentation! 

    In speaking of tools we have learned, in Assignment 2 we were using the Canvas group tool. I really enjoyed this assignment and the layout of Canvas! I was already familiar with Canvas from high school and college, so that might also be why I found the platform so familiar and easy to use. However, I think it is user-friendly for anyone, and was such a fun and creative way for all of us to work on our group project! I don't really have any suggestions for a platform similar to this one however, I would love to continue using it and if I were a teacher it would be something I would want to use in my classroom!


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