
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Journal 6

   This past week we were introduced to diigo; this is a platform that allows students to annotate web pages and pdfs directly, and also can be utilize to organize your links, references, and personal inputs. I had never used or heard diigo prior to this course however, after being introduced to it and learning more I am extremely excited to continue to explore and use it. I like the purpose of using diigo however, I did feel it was a little difficult to understand the platform and to use the tools on it. Of course this is only my first time using diigo and so naturally it may be a little confusing. But I am excited to continue to use this platform  moving forward.     Secondly we were asked to discuss our experience with blogging. I had never "blogged" before or used a platform to do so, but after using these tools in class I really have been enjoying it! I like every week in class how we can discuss what we had learned in class and post all of our ideas, questions, and topi

Blog Journal 5

      This week in lecture we discussed the role of technology, more specifically the relationship technology places between students and teachers. In thinking about how I have used technology in my own life and in helping me with my future goals and career, I definitely think using platforms such as Twitter X and Instagram has helped me significantly! While I have not explored many of the twitter pages related to nursing/public health, I do know it will be a great resource for me as I am looking for a future career. Not only can you often see job listings or "now hiring" announcements on these social media websites, but it will also allow me to find volunteer or internship opportunities, and connect with other nurses or people my age who are also in a similar position!     And while technology has been a great resource for me and many others, there is also this topic of discussion known as the "digital divide." The digital divide is this idea that students who have

Blog Journal 4

      In the lecture this week we discussed ELA Standards and Common Core State Standards. ELA Standards and standards in general are what provide schools a roadmap to guide teaching and skills needed to set students up for success. The full list of standards can be extensive and overwhelming to read. This is why the Florida Department of Education created matrices to help teachers bind this bridge. For this assignment, we were asked to pick a grade level and subject matter interesting to us and to read about and select one of the standards found on ELA's  website. As a current public health major I decided the best subject for me to teach would be "health education" and the grade level I chose was Kindergarten! My standard was titled "HE.K.CEH.1.2.", it encompassed being able to teach kindergarteners ways to prevent communicable diseases. While I feel I am definitely able to teach this topic, I don't know if I agree that it is teachable to kindergarteners o

Image Attribution

"Technology", by annie9641, licensed under CC 4.0.