Blog Journal 9

As we start to close in on the semester, for our blog post of this week we were assigned to talk about our experiences in EME2040; Likes, dislikes etc. Prior to this class I never had any intention of becoming a teacher; I am a public health major and so my interests have always been around nursing or medicine. However, I loved learning about all of the different educational tools, and internet skills; we not only learned and focused on how these things are utilized in the classroom, but also for anyone in any profession or personal use! This class has opened me to the idea of teaching and my interest in possibly connecting a teaching profession to nursing! One of the big things we explored this semester were OERs, otherwise known as open educational resources. These resources are any teaching, learning, or research content that is created/licensed to be free for anyone to use, share, teach etc. One example of an OER resource actually comes f...